Baby Carter
I had the pleasure of photographing this little guy just a few days after he was born. So precious! Seeing parents holding their first child with so much tenderness is something magical. Although I consider weddings my niche, I could certainly find more time to spend with adorable babies like Carter! The Lion King shot… […]
Baby Ethan
I had the pleasure of photographing Krista and Tim’s wedding a couple of years ago at Architectural Artifacts… now their family has a new member. Meet baby Ethan, what a doll! He inherited his parent’s beautiful blue eyes, and perhaps a bit of his dad’s seriousness (it wasn’t easy coaxing a smile out of this […]
Baby Olivia, take two

One the best, most amazing, perks of this job is maintaining relationships with people by continually documenting the best moments of their lives. What an awesome responsibility! I knew Sara and Matt before Olivia was even a twinkle in their eye, and now she is getting so big! You may remember this little nugget of […]
Baby Abby
I have fond memories of Suzanne and Shawn’s wedding, so when they contacted me for photos of their little girl I was thrilled. She inherited their amazing blue eyes- so irresistible! Abigail is beautiful and sweet, and so fun to photograph. From her big smiles while playing with her toys, to her blackberry smeared face, […]
Baby Alec
Diana and Gus met me while attending their friend’s wedding this past February when baby Alec was still itsy bitsy (about 2 months old), and when they decided to have his photos taken they gave me a ring. Not only was I excited to spend time with close friends of Leah and Shawn (because they […]