As a photographer I am rarely on the other side of the lens. It’s not that I don’t want to be photographed, but I have gotten used to hiding behind my camera. I figure if my hair looks so-so and my makeup took me all of 5 minutes, who cares? It’s not like I need to look good to take the photos. But inevitably someone asks to take my photo, I think they find it funny because I have been taking pictures of them all day. Or they actually have the audacity to ask to use my own camera to take the photo, and usually after they have had one too many drinks. Although I am used to being a part of the party, getting sandwiched on the dance floor by groomsmen or twirled around by the father of the bride, it takes a lot of courage to hand over my much-loved 5D Mark II + lens. If I am feeling adventurous I succumb to the request, make sure the strap is securely around their neck, and then wait to see what happens. I have several out-of-focus or ill-composed photos as a result, but this one from Andi and David’s wedding caught be surprise. I had no idea I was in for a strip tease, and I can’t help but laugh out loud at my expression. I guess sometimes it is ok to let go of my camera, you never know what you’re in for.