{Alisa + Kevin – Married at Old St Pats}

Love in the time of quarantine. Our world looks and feels vastly different than it did just one month ago, but love still remains constant. 4 weeks before Alisa and Kevin’s March 21st wedding there was talk about the newly uncovered Coronavirus but things were still moving forward as planned. Three weeks before some family […]
{Natalie+Steve: New Year’s Eve City Hall Elopement}
Seeing the ear-to-ear smiles on these two, you would never know it was freezing outside. Their excitement was unfazed by the single digit temperatures, if not for their rosy noses and fogged breath it might have looked like a warm Spring day! I had the pleasure of meeting Natalie a couple of years ago at […]
{Kathy & Lee: Twin Orchard Country Club Wedding}
Kathy and Lee… are getting married… Kathy’s brother wrote a little song to celebrate the day, and to say it was stuck in my head for days afterwards would be an understatement! In fact hearing the entire room singing it at the top of their lungs as the night came to an end was pretty […]